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Cara menonaktifkan keyboard laptop (karena mencet sendiri)

Yang saya alami adalah Angka  5 nya suka jalan sendiri, pas mo ngetik…..jadinya, pas denger musik jadi ada suara ‘tung’…’tung’…’tung’, yang repot pas awal start…mo masukin password laptop jadi sering gagal log-in  karena suka ada nambah angka 5 diketikannya.
Awalnya sy pikir itu Virus, tapi setelah di scan & setelah saya googling dengan keyword ‘Virus Angka 5’ ternyata gak ada…..
akhirnya saya beli keyboard baru (external)..namun ternyata belum menyelesaikan masalah karena keyboard laptop masih aktif & setelah saya coba uninstall dia otomatis nginstall ulang lagi pas restart, sudah saya coba menghapus file di system32..namun ternyata file kbdclass.sys & i8042prt.sys otomatis ada lagi setelah dihapus….
saya menemukan cara untuk menonaktifkan angka 5, namun efeknya terjadi pada keybord laptop  (internal) & juga keyboard external…tapi gpp lah daripada angka  5 terus mengganggu.
Caranya :
Download suatu software sederhana yang bernama SharpKeys (ringan…di ZIP cuma 22kb), saya download nya di sini : SHARPKEYS
klo link diatas udah gak aktif bisa googling  dengan keyword : download SharpKeys….
setelah softwarenya didownload, jalankan lalu tinggal masukkan aja Angka 5 yg sering mengganggu itu di kolom kiri [Key: 5 % (00_06)]….di kolom kanan-nya disable [ — Turn Key Off (00_00) ]
nah berhubung symbol persentasenya  jadi ikut non aktif, saya tambahkan lagi di software tersebut agar symbol – (yg ada di Num Lock keyboard external berubah menjadi angka 5 & symbol persentase)…kolom kiri [Num: – (00_06)] , kolom kanan [Key : 5 % (00_06)]
Cara diatas tinggal disesuaikan aja dengan kondisi masing masing pembaca…. ðŸ™‚


SharpKeys is a Registry hack that is used to make certain keys on a keyboard act like other keys. For example, if you accidentally hit Caps Lock often, you could use this utility to map Caps Lock to a Shift key or even turn it off completely. This official release includes support for up to 104 mappings, an extensive list of available keys, and a “Type Key” option to help when managing mappings. As it relies on internal support within Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, or Windows 7, you must be running one of these OS’s for this Registry hack to work.
With the move to version 3.5, the code now compiled against the 4.0 version of the .NET Framework. The source code on Codeplex has been updated to reflect this change, so the developer community can actively pick up the change and continue enhance and support SharpKeys. My hope is that the list of available keys will grow to include more international options and that other random asked-for features get added as people require them. I will continue to host a copy of 3.0 and 3.5 but I still ask that all support requests go through Codeplex – this will allow other people to help with new features, going forward.
The source code can be found at – enjoy!
Download SharpKeys 3.5: MSI | ZIP | requires .NET Framework 4.0
Download SharpKeys 3.0: MSI | ZIP | requires .NET Framework 2.0
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